Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Back to School!!!!!!!!!!

heya all today Mikaela and Adam have gone back to school. They are both starting at new school's this year, Adam is off to intermediate and Mikaela is beginning her first year of Highschool. In the Dictionary School is a place where teaching is done, especially of children, however these to disagree they probably believe that it is a place of slow burning torture. Check them out in their new uniforms.


Anonymous said...

I really like the uniforms. The students that go to private schools here in Canada always wear uniforms. For the most part, Private schools here are few and far between. Also you are generally from a very wealthy family to go to private school here. Many from China and Hong Kong here in Saint John. Scott is 16 years of age and is in grade 11 in high school. High school here starts in grade 9 and goes to grade 12. Then it is off to university for 4 years.

nuclearwasted said...

I wish my daughters wore uniforms to school it would save my nerves what with all the fighting in the morning about what to wear and where it is, it looks like a typhoon hit the bedrooms by the time they figure out what to put on.

NZ Toomeys said...

Well its definately not about the rich in New Zealand. Its more about parents who work their arses off to get what they want for their kids - we are lucky to have a choice I s'pose. Aleshia, Mikaela and Adam are lucky to have acheived a ballot into a really great public school Hillcrest High. As for Luke - we live in a tragic school and he really wanted the Tihoi experience (6 months in the bush - boarding).

Adam you look too grown up in your Fairfield Intermediate School - Stop it - growing that is and Miki - nice to see you out of your jodphurs and riding boots.

Most High Schools have uniforms in NZ - There is only one in Hamilton that doesn't and its a really shit school.

NZ Toomeys said...

I should have said we lie in a tragic school ZONE.

nozzleguy said...

Slow burning torture sounds about right! I mean I was always a good note taker, always did my homework and never skipped class!


Love looking at your family pics. I definately see the amos resemblance. It is uncanny. I have to point out to you that the person commenting that refers to himself as Nozzle-Guy, well he tends to tells fibs. No let me rephrase that, he down right lies. Just a warning. I speak from experience and I think Sockit-Chick can vouch for it too. Schools here have tossed around the idea of uniforms here for years. Most adults want them, to make everyone start out equally, but so far wear what you want, within reason. Well talk to you soon