Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Meet the Family

Sandy head of the home (yeah right) a real homer simpson. doesnt talk much but once he gets started .........

Aleshia to sweet sometimes and at others just a little sour. but we love her, she is our ray of sunshine.

Mikaela the most expensive one of the Amos bunch, she can be a little truthful at times. ( yes that does make your a... look big ).

Adam is our daredevil always has to go the fastest, play the hardest go the highest etc... loves to drift at the go karts.

Alyson true head of house, just as it should be. life is full taking care of this bunch, never a dull moment.


Anonymous said...

Hello from Grand Bay New Brunswick Canada. We are in the dead of winter here so-to-speak... and school is just commencing there. It's -6 centigrade here right now and it will get very much colder throughout the evening and early morning hours. Look up at the warm sun and feel it on your face for a few seconds and then think about us freezing Canadians!

nuclearwasted said...

Hello Amos's from the Greenacres gang of Rothesay, New Brunswick, Canada. I just returned home from driving my girls to school, Kate is in grade nine at Rothesay High and Sarah is in grade eight at Harry Miller Middle school or as the kids refer to it as Harry Potter Middle. I drove them this morning as it is -22 degrees C and they have to catch a bus at the end of our road, poor dears, I remember when I had to walk to school at twice that cold and it was up hill both ways, ha ha. Woody that would be Mrs. Wasted is off to work at Hampton High she keeps the books there I guess, I know no more about her occupation than she does of mine, so I'm home alone WOO HOO for the entire day to get some things done, oh not totally alone Josie our retriever is with me but she mostly sleeps in this cold weather. Well I best get to the wood stove and get it loaded up for the day, wouldn't want the poor dog to get a chill while sleeping on my favorite chair, another poor abused member of the clan. Great to have you aboard the blogging express will talk again soon, bye for now from the great white north.

NZ Toomeys said...

Good one Ali - finding you in that pics is like Where's Wally - Is that you squinting in the back of the pic with you hand up to your brow. Geeze....

nozzleguy said...

Hey Adam I see your nose has heeled well! A man after my own heart!

nozzleguy said...

Hey Sandy nice T-shirt bette be carefull though I heard there was an investigation here over a missing Dept. t-shirt!

NZ Toomeys said...

You really captured Sandy's personality in this pic Ali - ROFPML!!!

nozzleguy said...