Sunday, December 13, 2009

So Much Ado

Much ado

Fence is complete YAY don't have to stay outside all day and keep an eye on my little ones.

Aleshia turned 18 omg and off clubbing and year 13 camp etc, Off to Auckland uni for interview this week with dad. Picture is Lesh and her friend Amelia, we went to Vinnie's for dinner with Dama.

Congrats Sam and Sarah off to Fiji for honeymoon i am so jealous. Sarah you looked lovely. Tissinghs Family you did a wonderful job with very little time.

Georgia and Jett get certificates for puppy preschool, don't they look cute.

They are so cute and have great fun together and are having stitches out today, so they will be swimming again. they love there pools. thanks Toomey's. They getting stitches out today.

Mikis making money from her little schemes she is teaching a little girl to ride and training someones horse, float loading and getting it into shape for eventing.

O Christmas tree O Christmas tree

And Christmas is upon us once again our big tree is finally up yay and no children were harmed.

1 comment:


Well, I guess it is a good thing Aleash lives in NZ. Clubbing age here is 19, and in USA it is 21. The girls look beautiful and We wish her luck on her interview. The puppies are gorgeous!!!
We too have just put up our tree. This is the first Xmas with no one at home. I'm a little emotional about it, but, that is what happens?? Maybe next year we'll come to NZ again where there are still houses full of youngsters and sunshine!! Tell Sandy the Fence looks perfect...we are hoping Greggy will be out of Hosp for Xmas, but if not, Santa will still visit I suppose.