Thursday, May 7, 2009

life goes by so fast, oh May already

miki loves the movie twilight, her lesh went and took a few twilight looking photos.
Adam at inline hockey.

Happy 13th Birthday son

All the boys had bdays in april Mark, Sandy Luke and Adam, no parties, we sux.
Wow Luke turned 16, i wonder if merrie and mark are feeling a little older.

Adam 13 still cant get over my baby turning 13.

mikis been baking up a storm, but as soon as her baking is ready sandys right behind her eating it. (he said hes saving us). mothers day was amazing thanks to Miki she made me breakfast in bed and tidied the house all day and then cooked tea. thanks miki love you heaps.

Miki took up bollywood dancing, lasted two weeks, i must admit its fast i did the first class with her, not so good with the head nod.

Adams done his knee in at inline hockey so no hockey for two weeks, was painful for him last night watching his team lose. (he found a keyring with the seadog logo on it and had to have it, supporting you from a far).

Aleshias on the ball committee at school, and busy with her study and football, someone at her club thought it was a good idea to have a white away stripe obviously they are not the ones washing it. (her socks take 3 days just to get the dirt off, it doesnt help when she slide tackles).

shes becoming the little party goer, two last weekend not so good for the football the next day.

Sandys been coaching and keeping diego safe, he went and did some work for the disabled riding school, paving. i am now not allowed to ask him to do any here or thou we could do with a nice paved area. i even have a nice area picked out.


NZ Toomeys said...

Hey - Love that pic of Mum. Can you send it to me please.

Home tomorrow.

nozzleguy said...

well the seadogs are looking for a new coach if any Kiwis are interested in the job

nuclearwasted said...

Entrepreneurs amaze me, how the hell does a Sea Dogs key ring make it to the other side of the world and then to think that someone buys it must have left the store keep in shock. Thanks for supporting the Dogs and free trade.