Thursday, February 1, 2007

racing well at KRI #2

heya all u bloggers out there welcome to the first ever amosquito blog, all about a rowing regatta called KRI #2. the regatta was held at lake karapiro on the 27th of January. the club i belong to Hamilton rowing club consists of fraser, hillcrest, sacred heart and the actual club rowers themselves. Now the part i row for is hillcrest, we entered 2 novice four races during which mine got through to the finals, an under 17's eight race, and a novice 8's race which we went through to finals for.
My four competed in the finals and despite being put in a bad lane we didnt come last which is quite an accomplishment, in our 8's final we did well and came 5th 2 placings away from getting either a certificate or medal but a great effort nonetheless


NZ Toomeys said...

Rock on dudes - keep on blogging!

nozzleguy said...

Hey nice picture amosquito but you forgot to point which one is you?


I glad your into blogging. Lets see lots of pics. And I'd like to know which one you are the first ever blog pic of the Amos's.

nuclearwasted said...

Hey Dudes and Dudess's welcome aboard from the Greenacres gang,Woody and I don't know how we'll keep up to all this blogging now that she's gone back to work full time and I as usual am working a 100 hrs. a week, oh well just have to start getting the kids to pick up some more of the housekeeping chores, that ought to get some gasps of displeasure out of them. ha ha.

NZ Toomeys said...

Aleshia is the one in the middle with the white hat on.

nuclearwasted said...

Thankyou for pointing that out Mrs. Sockit and the prettiest as well I might add, obviously the same dna at work as was the case with the old Wastedone.

Anonymous said...

Hello Aleshia! We're the Green Family of Grand Bay New Brunswick CANADA. Did you know that Canada is an aboriginal word for "the village". Some very useful information I'm sure... Anyway welcome to this web log addiction. Check out our blog and see today why we are so concerned about global warming. (just kidding of course)